Thursday, January 16, 2014

Chocolate breakfast oat cake!

 Mmmmm... I invented this one all by myself! No inspiration other than my appetite and my microwave. This makes a great dessert or breakfast option since it's packed with oats, egg protein, fruit, and healthy fats. And with only a tablespoon of optional maple syrup, I would call this one diabetically friendly as well.  It can also be made gluten free if you have the right oats for the job. 

Yup! This little pile of health all in one bowl! 

Start with a microwave safe bowl that is smaller than a soup bowl, but not too small. One of those Corningware bowls I used for my paleo pumpkin pies would do the trick too. You can use a soup bowl if you have nothing else. Your cake will just be wide and flat. 
So mash up your half a banana well and mix it with an egg and a splash of vanilla. 

Stir in your oats. Use whatever oats you like other than steel cut (those need mugh longer to cook). I used porridge oats by Quaker which comes with some extra fiber and flax. Stir your oats into the liquids so they can start to soften. 
Next add your cacao (raw cocoa: much healthier than cocoa powder), cinnamon, baking powder and pinch of salt. 
When you stir it all up it will start to look like a cake batter. Mmmmm... 
Lastly, add 2 tbsp of health. I choose 1 tbsp raw coconut and 1 tbsp raw walnut bits. Stir this all together and pop the bowl right into the microwave for 2:45-3:00 minutes. 

In the meantime, combine your tbsp coconut milk and tbsp maple syrup (or honey, or water with stevia...)
It tastes like a yummy caramelly sauce! Don't mind the lumps, they will melt when you pour it over your cake. 

This is what it should look like when you pull it out of the microwave. It's quite a spongy fluffy cake and absorbs the extra liquid well. 
Pop it out into a plate and drizzle with your caramel sauce or....
Break it apart and drizzle with the sauce. This is what I prefer! It's not for company anyway!!
And there you have it! A delicious nutritious snack!

Chocolate breakfast oat cake:
- 1/2 a banana mashed
- 1 egg (free range is best)
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1/4 cup oats
- 1/2 Tbsp raw cacao
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon 
- 1 pinch salt (very small pinch)
- 1 Tbsp raw coconut
- 1 Tbsp raw chopped nuts (walnut)

Combine banana egg and vanilla, stir in oats first so they can begin to soften. Then add remaining ingredients. Microwave on high in a small microwave safe bowl for 2:45-3:00 minutes. 

1 Tbsp coconut milk (from a can)
1 Tbsp maple syrup 

Stir together and pour over cake. Eat warm!

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